How to Chill Any Wine in 10 Minutes in 3 simple steps
Did you know, you can chill a room temperature wine in just 10 minutes?
Ever been in the situation were your guests are already arriving but your wine is unappealingly tepid? Well, we’ve found the perfect trick for you, and just in time for summer!
Step 1:
Wet a bunch of paper towels (or a dish towel)

Step 2:
Wrap your warm or room temperature bottle of wine in them

Step 3:
Stick it in the freezer for 10 minutes (make sure you don’t forget about it otherwise you’ll be left with a wine lolly – not that that’s a bad thing)
Stick it in the freezer for 10 minutes (make sure you don’t forget about it otherwise you’ll be left with a wine lolly – not that that’s a bad thing)

Now, sit back, relax and enjoy your perfectly chilled Summer wine